-> This activity challenges students to use all the commands while performing a robotic spelling bee.
- All commands must be programmed before placing the Bee-Bot on the mat and selecting GO.
- The Bee-bot starts on the top left-hand corner at the letter “A” facing downward towards the bottom left corner.
- Students are spelling the words in the sentence: “I want to design a present for my brain.”
- The first round starts with the one-letter word “I”.
- The second round is to program a two-letter word, then continues with round
three coding a 3-letter word, continuing until the 7-letter word is programmed.
- Watch the video of a student performing a robotic spelling bee:
- Select student teams of 2 to 4 students.
- No talking when coding.
- Each team member codes a word.
- When not the driver, the other members are the observers.
- There is no help during while the commands are coded.
- The Bee-bot moves on the mat pausing on each letter in the word.
- If the word is spelled correctly, the team advances to next level.
- If there is an error, the team helps the student debug their mistake and tries again.
- The class determines how many tries each person gets before being eliminated
on each level. - Discuss efficiently and how many commands the Bee-Bot can remember.
Make up a new sentence and have the students coordinate a new spelling-bee challenge. Note: Allow an “Hour of Code” each week to give students time to work on their own projects.