OK – that was pretty cool. I spent an hour coding (I didn’t think I had) designing my snowflake; and have already sent the link to my siblings, nieces, nephews, my son and his wife. – Vincent M. Weir, Senior Vice President – Investment Officer, Wells Fargo Advisors
a way of understanding a process and articulating that through code.
The work that I do as a FINANCIAL PROFESSIONAL is the “same” that I did as an engineer:
- Identify (quantify and qualify) “where are we now”?
- Identify ( “ “ )”where do we want to go”?
- Identify the tools and resources available
- Develop a strategy – implement, monitor and adjust.
There are many metaphors for life in “the stock market game”:
- How do I assess and evaluate risk and opportunity?
- How do I take “X” and try to make it “more than X”?
- What are the consequences of an outcome other than what I anticipated?
- What is the difference between “price” and “worth”, and how are these values determined?
- You won’t always be right – you just want to be mostly right most of the time and avoid a really big mistake.
Personal Financial Literacy is one of the 6 major areas in the Math TEKS. Entrepreneurship can bring coding and finance together. Lets build Sharp Tanks!! Lets build Clubs into the School Day!!! Create a Code Corner in every library!!!! Learn to Play the Stock Market Game and the Game of Real Life. Build on individual passions!!!!! Build ideas by researching careers.
Houston is a prime market. – Have you heard this advertisement?SOLUTIONS:
- Sharp Tank for Teachers – 5 minute teach off competition @ Happy Hour of Code.
- Sharp Tank for Students – 6 students in SBISD 2015 Code Camp presented their Shark Tank Application.
- A better fund raiser – binary jewelry – the power bracelet.
- Business School for Ten Year Olds: R&D begins with your products of learning.
- Sew Electric: – create electric binary jewelry art and Code Wearable Art with mini-computer
- Google Computer Science Clubs: – Fashion & Design, Market your Books, Art and Music.
- Bold Idea develops and empowers young minds to execute bold ideas as a team through the power of coding.
- Kinder: Ways to earn income, money as income vs. gifts; Simple skills required for jobs; Wants vs. Needs.
- First: Money earned income, making choices with income – wants vs. needs; Spending vs. saving; Charitable giving.
- Second: Saving, deposit/withdrawal, borrowing responsibly, lending costs to evaluate decisions, producers vs. consumers, calculate cost to produce simple item.
- Third: Human capital/ labor and income; availability of resources and impact on cost; Costs and benefits of planned and unplanned spending decisions; Credit, borrower’s responsibility, interest; savings plan, credit, charitable giving, income.
- Fourth: Calculate profit, fixed and variable expenses, savings options, allowance allocation, financial institutions.
- Fifth: Gross income, net income, income tax, payroll tax, sales tax, and property tax, methods of payment, system for financial records, budget.